Not only do we provide the best service through our manual labor/efforts, we also seek the best products to assure the quality service we aim to give you.
All of our Cleaning technicians are handpicked and trained in all of our services to be able to accommodate any and all of your requests.
Post construction
Final cleaning
Our Specialized post construction/ final cleaning crew cleans and sanitizes more than 4,000,000 sq feet yearly. We offer this service to all residential and commercial projects across the tristate area. We have serviced a number of projects in New York City, New Jersey, White Plains and Conneticut
Deep Cleaning
Whether it be for an event, moving out, moving in , or any other reason, you might be looking for someone to come in and assure that every inch of your residential/commercial space is thoroughly cleaned. We offer deep cleaning services that assure you that your space will be dirt free and sparkling by the time we finish.
General Cleaning
Your offices and facilities are more than just a building, too many it is like a second home. That’s why it is important to show them the same love and care that we do our homes. Everyone knows how good it feels to come home from work and find your home nice and clean. Now picture it in reverse, you leave your home and enter into a nice and clean office/facility. A clean work environment is important to one’s psyche and attitude which can be reflected in one’s production and efficiency. So let us help create a clean and refreshing work environment that everyone will benefit from through our general cleaning services. Our general cleaning services are tailored to all your requests and needs. You can request them at any frequency you’d like with the end goal being to help create a environment you and everyone are happy to be in.
Hotel Housekeeping
There are so many operations going in within a hotel that helps it run as smoothly as possible. Let us make your life a little easier doing what we do best, clean. Our Hotel housekeepers will clean, organize and maintain guest rooms and other public areas of a hotel. They maintain a pleasant ambiance by meeting tidiness and cleanliness standards throughout the facility, creating a better and safer guest environment.
Industrial cleaning services are specialized cleaning services for areas in industrial facilities, such as factories and manufacturing facilities, self-storage buildings, warehouses and power plants. Because many industrial environments are busy, high-traffic places, whether they manufacture products around the clock or simply store goods until shipment or removal, industrial cleaning truly entails performing thorough, consistent cleaning using specialized cleaning tools and techniques. This is a job that we have performed many times and can perform for you whenever you need it.
Restaurant Kitchen Services
The cleanliness of your restaurant, café, pub, or bar is just as important as the food you serve. A lot of time and effort goes into cleaning a restaurant, kitchen and even equipment. Choosing a commercial cleaning provider that has this knowledge and experience is important to uphold the highest standards, helping to keep customers coming through your door. Let us help you maintain and increase your success. Our experience in cleaning restaurant furniture, floors. kitchens and kitchen equipment is a sure fire way of keeping your establishment up to code with Health & Sanitation laws and a guaranteed way of creating a clean environment that satisfies customers and compliments your product.
Janitorial Services
A commercial or industrial building is any building or part of a building used for any purpose other than as a permanent private residence. Included are apartment buildings (other than the interior of individual-occupied apartments), builder model homes, hotels and motels, rental condominiums, retail spaces within retirement communities and residential condominiums that are entirely owned by common ownership, medical facilities, office trailers, parking garages, day care centers, private clubs and shopping centers. All throughout the tristate area we have trained janitorial staff members servicing many of the different facilities listed. Day and Night our janitorial staff is working hard to give all of our customers the quality service and attention to detail they deserve.
Staffing Services
Handling staff is no easy job. Especially when a member calls out last minute, no shows, or you are struggling to hire people to fill in those spots. On top of that we are sure you have other responsibilities that require your attention. That’s why you need not to look any further as we can help you with this. We offer staffing services that you can rely on to fill in any missing members in your staff. All you have to do is give us a ring and we will send a certified cleaning technician when and where you need them, along with a supervisor that ensures all the tasks are well explained and done.
Painting Services
TSA has the knowledge, skills, and attention to detail, to get your painting projects done efficiently and effectively. We understand how important your home/office/facility is to you and the painting services we provide will be just what you need for your space.
Therefore, we work incredibly hard to be the company that meets all of your needs and expectations. We always keep what is best for our customers in mind.
Junk removal
We pride ourselves on providing punctual and efficient service. Whether the job is large or small, you can count on our highly skilled team to handle all of your New York City, New Jersey, White Plains and Conneticut trash & rubbish removal needs. We offer a variety of services.
If you're looking to make a great impression, start with a clean space.